Ways to improve LED Display Screen China life in high Temperature
As we all knows that in past years print media were used for promoting brands but those days are gone now. LED Display Screen China has been here now in place of Print Media. Now you got to see larger screens in places like shopping malls, railway tracks, restaurants, crowdy streets and much more.
Promoting content via Digital screens has been one of the most common and easiest ways. Best thing about this technology is that you can make your brand famous within days. For this you just need to spend little money. It will be like an investment where you will get an amazing output. Recent surveys show that LED Display Screen China has been one of the highest generating ROI.
Best thing about this technology is that it perfectly provides your message to audience and you can capture more audience attraction.
Yes, this technology is simply amazing as compared to all those traditional ways that you used in the past for promoting content. By making use of this technology you don’t have to pay again and again, you can update your content anytime without paying again .
As we all knows that in summer, we got to face high temperature, rainy weathers, wind storms etc. So during such weather LED Display Screen China requires maintenance on regular intervals.
Such harsh weather definitely affects the working of LED Display Screen China but we are going to share few things that will help the manufacturer to improve the life of LED Display Screen China in summer.
Go through these points and save LED Display Screen China from being damage in high temperatures and harsh weather.
High Temperature Protection is important for LED Display Screen China
As we all knows that LED Display Screen China takes more area because of wider screen. They also consume huge amount of power because of continuous operation. Continuous operation leads towards heat. As we all knows that in summer temperature goes high so high temperature can badly affect the circuit and can be the reason of short circuit if the issue not resolved on time. Outside high temperature and heat produce by screen can put the LED in trouble.
So we are going to share a tip for manufacturer, if they follow it then they will be able to protect the screen from high temperature.
Always keep in your mind that while designing the LED outside case always designs it hollow for heat dissipation. You can also make use of cooling fan or any sort of air condition, following these instructions will keep the LED safer from rising temperature. If you buy LED Display Screen China from us, then we give you warranty that our outdoor screens will have a capability to bear any high temperatures. Our engineers have already equipped all LEDs with cooling fans and have manufactured LEDs screens by making use of advance tools and technology that made our LED screens more unique from other screens in the market.
Typhoons Protection
If you already have LED in your home then you must have an idea that every LED comes up with different installation method. As we all know that LED can be in different types like hanging, wall mounted or inlaid.
So if you are buying hanging type or wall mounted type then we will recommend you to look for those LEDs that have strict measures for load bearing steel frames because in the season of typhoons there might be a possibility of falling off the screen.
Here is another tip for all the manufacturers, make sure to install resistance measures in each LED Display Screen China so that they could deal with typhoons.
Also make sure that you have installed anti seismic power in each screen, if you successfully install all these things into screens then we warranty you that LED will not fall off even in the windy weather.
If you buy LED Display Screen China from us then we warranty you that our product will not fall off and have capability to deal all the harsh weathers.
LED Display Screen China should be Waterproof
If you visit the south then you will get to know that those areas face rainstorm on almost daily basis. We recommend all manufacturers to make the screen highly waterproof. Make sure to install shield against rain. Make sure that screen has been following IP65 protection.
Last but the most important thing that you need to follow is to make sure that module have glue and waterproof box has been connected via waterproof rubber ring.
If you go through our company products then you will get to see that our each product is environmental friendly and highly durable. No rain, humidity and heavy storm could damage our LED screens because our engineers have designed them very carefully.
Lightning Strike Protection
Well, protection against lightning strike is really important because lightning strike can damage the screen very badly.
We highly recommend to all manufacturers that make sure to equip the screens with lightning protection tools for example you must need to equip grounding, lightning rods, and distribution box in the protection box.
Doing this is really important otherwise ready yourself for a huge disaster. Well, if you care the screen or do maintenance on weekly basis then it can last longer for decades. If you compare it with other technologies then you will get to know that maintenance cost for LED screen is very less as compared to others.
This article covers up the entire guide to improve the life of LED Display Screen China. This Article is especially for those who belong to IT departments and always was looking for ways to the issues of LED screen.
If you are looking for high quality screen that contains above mentioned features in it then contact us today by making call at +86 755 2946 9121, you can also leave an email at info@newstar-led.com .